An ongoing, one-on-one coaching relationship is an ideal structure to delve deeply into where you are today and where you want to be. Often clients come to me when they are considering, or are in the midst of, what I call a “professional leap”. These are times of rocky rapid growth – the messy transition from the status quo to what’s next for them.
Sometimes we seek out these professional transitions and sometimes they find us. In either case, I serve as a thought partner to my clients as they find the answers they need, develop new skills and become proficient and confident in the new place.
Private coaching provides the opportunity to:
- Connect work and life choices to your strengths, values and passions
- Assess where you are now and your vision for the future
- Develop short and long-term goals, create a plan, and be accountable for the action items to get you there
- Identify internal and external barriers that get in your way and how to step around those obstacles
- Nurture and actively use your authentic intuition and confidence to guide great decision-making
- Learn how to see vast possibilities and make choices from empowered and creative perspectives
The groundwork for private coaching takes place during one or two introductory Foundation Sessions, during which we identify the themes and set the goals for the coaching engagement. I recommend these goals be aligned with the performance objective for your position or business, as well as the personal goals you have for yourself.
Thereafter, coaching typically takes place by phone or in person, either three times per month for 45-minute sessions or twice per month for 60-minute sessions. Our relationship and schedule will be customized to suit your needs.
You’ll bring a topic to each session, and while addressing that specific issue we will always be connecting that topic back to your larger longer-term goals. You’ll leave each session with specific action items to accomplish and/or inquiries to consider, remaining accountable to me as your coach. In between sessions, you’ll have my support with unlimited email contact and brief phone calls as needed.
For maximum impact, a minimum 3-6 month commitment is strongly recommended.
For clients with very specific short-term goals, individual drop-in sessions are available. As well, each of Michelle’s coaching programs can be customized and delivered through private coaching.
For more specific details about how coaching will benefit you, please go to the page that best represents you:
On-Rampers Returning to Paid Work